Hair & Politics, 2012
In co-autorship with Philip Metz
Cape Town, South Africa
Hair & Politics, 2012 / in co-autorship with Philip Metz / Human hair collected from South African Barber Shops distributed in a 3m diameter circle
About the work
During their residency at Greatmore Studios (Cape Town, South Africa), Alejandra and Philip found a correlation of interest in the body, the way it looks and the stereotypes imposed on, or voluntarily followed by indivi- duals. Both have worked in some way with hair:
“Hair is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most symbolic elements on the human body. Hair expresses the role or status of a person in society, whether it be sickness, old age, youth, beauty or ugliness. In spite of this, it is also easy and constantly discarded.”
Hair & Politics is a collaborative project between Alejandra and Philip, in which, through the simple process of cleaning discarded cut hair collected from Barber Shops in South African Townships, seeks to give it a new value.