Wer schön sein will muss leiden, 2018
(That who wants to be beautiful must suffer)
Drawing, Collage & Photocopy

Wer schön sein will, muss leiden, 2018 / Installation view at WerkStadt Kulturverein / Berlin
About the work
For the commissioned exhibition #Beauty, the artists group Triplo (Vastiane Tamayo, Helena Hernández and Alejandra Baltazares) created a series of works based on a common activity: reviewing at the same time and on the same day for several weeks, the images resulting from the hashtag "Beauty" on Instagram.
With a more conceptual approach, Baltazares presents Wer schön sein will, muss leiden (That who wants to be beautiful, must suffer); a series of graphic works in small format that interlace the platform users' conceptions of beauty: Travel and lifestyle, beauty products, puppies and kittens, and of course the cult of the body and the so-called life goals.
The artist works with analogue materials (fashion magazine clippings and anaglyph images), motivational phrases, word games and captions from the users posts: "Never settle for shit friends, shit brows or shit men".

Venus, 2018 / Collage / A4

Next OP Trau-mstrand, 2018 / Markers on paper / 14x10.5cm

Torso, 2018 / Anaglyph image / Digital C-Print / A4

Goals, 2018 / Color pencils on paper / A4

Nose-job 2018 / Color pencils & Photocopy / A4

Me before lashes, 2018 / Color pencils on paper / A6

Study of a flabby arm, 2018 / Collage & photocopy / A4

Never settle for shit friends, shit brows or shit men, 2018 / Color pencils on paper / A4